Thursday, January 8, 2009

Resolved: 2009

Traditionally, I have never been very big on New Years Resolutions. I think that often times, coming up with these resolutions is an invitation to failure. It frames our minds to thinking what is a "successful" or "good" year. Life is not so easily predicted. A lot can change throughout the course of the year. What we may have wanted to accomplish at the beginning of the year may not be relevant at the middle or at the end. If we entered a year without any expectations in life, at the end, we can have true clarity as to what has been accomplished and how we have been blessed, rather than focusing on how we did not fulfill our resolutions.

In many ways, I still believe in the weaknesses of making resolutions. But in deeper reflection, I think the reason why I believe that these problems exists are that the "resolutions" we make are not resolutions at all. They are merely goals - things like, "I will lose 20 pounds" or "I will learn a new hobby." When I think of "resolution" its something more deeper than that. I like this definition of resolution: a formal expression of opinion or will. It's a statement of our true desire. Something that we TRULY want and will work hard for, and sacrifice for. Not something we can say flippantly or easily, but things that we will change our lives to achieve.

So here are my goals/resolutions for 2009 (It was too tempting NOT to put some goals in there, once I got to thinking about these things):

1. Read the New Testament and a To be Determined Chunk of the Old Testament

2. Finish five "Christian" books

3. Write in this blog at least 2 times a week to reflect spiritually

4. Refine my style in my personal Bible Study and as a Bible Study Leader to be more consistently: 1. Relevant/Relatable; 2. Engaging (Mentally and Spiritually); 3. Patient; 4. God-Centered; 5. Gospel-Centered

5. Grow in Christian character, particularly in the areas of: 1. Compassion; 2. Observable love to others; 3. Being "joyful" in the Lord; 4. Humility.

6. Re-kindle old friendships gone stagnant

7. Grow in Spiritual Friendship with others - to encourage more and to be encouraged

8. Develop new friendships through personal, academic, and professional interests

9. Be satisfied in God in everything

10. Stop being such a “hater” (having a less critical spirit)

11. Having a greater heart of obedience to God’s commands and ACTUALLY obeying them more

12. Be more aggressive and opportunistic in finding opportunities to share the Gospel

13. Truly do everything “unto the Glory of God”