Friday, January 23, 2009

I Confess...NOTHING!

One thing that is a bit of a pet peeve of mine is the shallowness of "Christian accountability."

"Wow...what a statement?" "How can you say that?" "You like doing your own thing?"

Now...this is what I mean.

I am not a fan of the common idea of Christian accountability. What I think of most often is when people get together, sit around in a circle, and subsequently confessing how they skipped one day of reading the Bible. Or...going into painstaking detail on how they have "only" prayed an hour total this week. I'd qualify these critiques by saying that I do believe that we can have a REAL, TANGIBLE role in helping each other in our "spiritual disciplines." However, what I CANNOT accept is the fact that so often times, we leave our "spiritual accountability" at only that surface level. As if giving account of the aggregate prayer and Bible reading times should suffice in answering the question, "so how are you doing spiritually?"

I read this article from Christianity Today about the lack of "confession" in today's modern church context. It is can be applied to relationships we share with other people. Maybe its because we do not feel "comfortable" with one another. Maybe its because we do not see the need to do so. Who knows? I do agree with the thesis of this article that confession, before God and others, is not a big enough part of our spiritual lives. To confess, and to be able to share in the praises of fellow brothers and sisters in the forgiveness they found and the grace that we have from our God.

To share with one another our struggles in the ACTUAL LIVING of day to day life (in other words, not just limited to devotions or prayer life or church life) is something that not only lifts up the one who is sharing, but the hearer as well. It helps us appreciate the Gospel and fuels our spiritual growth. In neglecting to seek this kind of fellowship, modern Christians - from the most conservative to most liberal, from the youngest to the old - are stunted in a real way in their growth. I really love this line,

"We simply do not know the gospel unless we come to terms with our sin; even though we are "in Christ" and no longer under condemnation, real spiritual growth demands that we learn what it means to be healed."

As much as we find reading the Bible and Prayer to be important, the act of sharing with fellow brothers and sisters is likewise essential. Our Christian life is meant to be lived in COMMUNITY, and open, honest, communication is the lifeblood of growing a true spiritual relationship that is the foundation for such community. We not only share our STRUGGLES but our PRAISES as well. Not only focusing on how WE have FAILED, but how GOD has had success. But even in our failures, we can grow to appreciate and to behold the VICTORY of GOD over sin, and the sovereignty of God over our lives.

Verses of the Day:

Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted. Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. If anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself. Each one should test his own actions. Then he can take pride in himself, without comparing himself to somebody else, for each one should carry his own load. Anyone who receives instruction in the word must share all good things with his instructor.

- Galatians 6:1-6