Thursday, January 1, 2009


As we start this New Year, it is appropriate for this to be the start of this blog. I used to write quite often on a different, but similar site However, I stopped as I let the business of life take its course. One benefit to writing is that it forces one to reflect, to pause and consider the course of one's life at any point in time. I believe as I had stopped writing, I likewise stopped reflecting.

I don't have any grand schemes or machinations for this journal. I do not seek notoriety. I don't hope for a wide range of readers. I do not offer any special expertise in any area. This blog will serve as a medium for reflection, and if you so find yourself inclined, I welcome you to follow me on this journey of life.

As for the subject matter of this blog, I will write on a whole range of things. Ranging from current events to sports. Politics to entertainment. Scientific to things spiritual. Frankly, whatever is on my thoughts at that particular moment. And I am resolved to update at least twice a week.For this entry, the real "meat" of the entry is rather short.

This being the start of the New Year, I have one primary resolution (more to come on that later):

Do all to the Glory of God!